My wife and I went from a 32' TT with the V- nose weighing in at about 7400# it towed nice. We had a really nice WDH and a truck big enough to handle it.
But it was a pain in strong winds from any direction, sucked in hard whenever a big rig would pass, and just a rough ride when it bounced. We got ok gas mileage but if the wind was against us forget it. It tanked.
Coming up on 3 years ago we switched to a 40' FW that weighs in around 12,000#.
It was a totally different experience as we have never towed a fifth wheel before and never rode in a vehicle that towed one either. Friends and family always had TT.
We love everything about the switch from the ride quality, to vehicles passing us to strong head winds it is a total change. Pulls great and we have even noticed we do better with our gas mileage too. Not a substantial difference but one we can notice. We track it pretty good.