As stated earlier, lots of good suggestions and experience. For me, when approaching the grade, signs will tell me, I put truck in a lower gear depending on the grade, mine has tow/haul mode or manual override. Then I control my speed, if a steeper grade, for me about 8%, I keep it slow, maybe 45 to 50. When I start getting closer to the 50 or 55, I use breaks firm and steady to slow down to the slower speed, 35 to 40, then let er coast until I regain a speed that is getting close to uncomfortable, then slow er down again. In over 16 years, never had an trouble with this except the idiots that fly by you and flip you off because you were going slower. I can honestly say I am not one of those laying over a hill side, in a run away truck ramp or sitting at the bottom of the hill getting a ticket or with overheated brakes. Just take your time and keep your rig under a comfortable control. Good Luck & Be Safe ! ! !