I manage the cell phone program for the company where I work. We have 150 salesmen and service techs spread across the country. Our customers tend to be off the beaten path. We have 90% of our lines with AT&T. There are a few locations in the upper midwest (MN, MT, WI) where AT&T just doesn't cut it and we've put guys in those areas on VZW.
Both carriers have done an admirable job in expanding coverage across the country. Either will likely provide you what you want but the only way to know for sure is to study the coverage maps closely for those areas where you spend time. Both carriers have gaps in coverage.
Beyond AT&T/VZW, the options are much less attractive. Sprint & TMO offer some great pricing, but this is really a case of "you get what you pay for". If you stay near an Interstate Hwy or metro area, they may work fine for you. But if you travel a lot to more remote locations, those two will let you down more often than not.
Mountain Mama wrote:
I know it's been discussed many times about which of these 2 carriers are best for those who travel the US extensively. I'm wondering if anyone uses both carriers? We are not big phone users but understand the necessity of having them on the road so I'm wondering if it would be best to have one as main carrier (can u say contract?) and have another like a Trac or Go phone with the other carrier so if you're in an area where one doesn't work or not very well? Anyone do this? Your thoughts?