After 40 years or more of membership I dropped AAA like a hot potato after they refused to change the inner flat tire on a dually set of our motorhome when it was setting right in the back yard before taking off on a trip. The AAA dispatcher on the phone said that they did not change flat tires on dual sets. They said that we were supposed to drive to a repair location on the remaining good tire!! (That would have been at least a 70 percent overload on the remaining good tire for many miles on mountain and city roads.)
We now have CoachNet Premium coverage .... because I assume that they understand RVs and know how to deal with them everywhere in the U.S. and Canada. We've used them just once so far, and I was impressed by their fast service, friendly and understanding dispatcher - and by the fact that I didn't have to tell the dispatcher where we were ... they already knew by triangulating from cell phone towers.
AAA needs to make it crystal clear in their brochures and on their WEB page that they do in fact have special plans available for RV owners that offer consistent uniform coverage across the U.S. and Canada. Do they ... by the way???