Forum Discussion

Teleman's avatar
Jan 24, 2023

Covers. Pros and cons?

I'm considering getting a cover for our 2000 30' Airstream Land Yacht. What are your opinions about this? Is there any downside or reason not to cover the motor home when not in use?
  • Our motor home is parked in a very narrow space between our house and a high fence. So narrow I have to remove the driver's side mirror to get it in. This keeps the sides and tires well shaded. I think I'll forgo the cover. The reviews are mixed here...some positive, some negative. I think in my case it's probably not necessary and it would be hard getting it on and off in such a confined space. Thanks everyone for your insights.
  • Before we built our garage we used one. If you're going to use one the biggest thing I can suggest is to buy a quality cover that is the right size and make sure it stays TIGHT.

    We did that and never had an issue in the few years we stored ours outside.

    My S-I-L bought a lower priced cover that just bungeed down, it didn't make it 1/2 way through the first winter. She now keeps hers in a garage too.
  • This is my old Prowler. It's parked next to the house and there are a lot of trees surrounding it.

    I didn't cover it the first 2 years I owned it and I would end up having to wash it in the middle of winter and try to keep the roof clean.. Not fun...

    After getting the cover, it would be as clean as it was when I covered it in the Fall.

    I was able to trade in that Prowler for the Rockwood when it was about 16 years old and I got more than I ever thought I'd get for it! More than I thought I could get selling it on my own too!

    Anyway, I say it depends on where you park it and what conditions it's going to be under.

  • I was at our storage lot yesterday and the wind kicked up. I swear I don't thrive on schadenfreude, but I can't help but drive through the lot on windy days to visit the coaches that I know are covered and see how bad they're getting damaged.

    The one right next to mine was missing the big cover entirely and only had covers on the wheels and one on the windshield that was flapping and clapping grommets on the glass.

    Two of "the usuals" had removed theirs since I last looked and I could see some scratches that showed why.

    The worst though is the one where the side of the cover had blown up to the roof and the straps were scribing two large sets of semicircle scratches in the finish. The cover that was supposed to be protecting the RV was actually destroying it.

    On the other hand, the graphics on the south side of our fifth-wheel are cracking and fading from the sun and it doesn't look as great as it should anymore. At least it's not scratched though.
  • I have never had a cover so probably not one to answer your question. My reasoning for no cover is, how many rv's at dealer lots and across the country that spend years without a cover. I believe good maintenance is far better than a cover.

    Just my thoughts good luck
  • I had a cover on a TC at one time it broke the end pieces of the gutters and the wind ripped it. They are a pain to put on and take off.