For your info:
"1960: Schlitz introduces aluminum top on steel cans, the "sofTop" (sic) can. 1962 (March): Iron City beer tests the first pop top (pull tab) cans in Virginia. 1963 (March): Schlitz starts using pop top cans. 1969: Canned beer outsells bottled beer for the first time."
Bottled beer and soda (pop) was sold only in glass bottles about ~ 60 to 70 years ago and by far most were refillable with a deposit and were returned and many states had a 2 cent etc deposit charged by state law refunded when returned to a store back then. Not invocated by the beverage fillers to save money! There were NO aluminum beer or soda cans until the late 1960s+ and then just a few in the beverage industry then. Plastic followed.
As the above quote stated, aluminum use in cans started as a top on a steel can and a few years later the poptop was put into use by a couple beverage concerns. So therefore until there was aluminum and or plastic containers being used in numbers, there would not be a law for a deposit on them as they didn't exist. There could only be a deposit law inplace for what the industry actually used. Looking it up revealed that many states actually had a deposit/refund law over 20 years before Oregon and it was for what was being used by fillers of course. Glass bottles!
I don't know your age but us old farts know the real facts as we lived during the time all this occured. I know Michigan had a deposit law when I was a kid about 8-9 years old in the very early 1950's of 2 cents and all that really happened is that in 1976 Michigan increased the deposit to 10 cents and included plastic and aluninum containers also.
BTW, Schlitz Brewing and Bottling is a whopping 83 air miles from were we live and where I lived as a kid too, not about 1800 miles away. Schlitz was very popular around here then. Oregon was NOT the first to have a container deposit law by any stretch, just the first to include other types of beverage containers.
Nuff said!