Forum Discussion

Ransom_Proctor's avatar
May 13, 2014

Aluminum vs Wood Construction?

What are the benefits and downsides to aluminum construction vs wood construction in a travel trailer?
  • Workmenship

    Some of the best trailers made are wood framed, as are some of the worst.

    Aluminum is easier to control the quality, so many have switched
  • You really have to look at more than just alum vs. wood as I would say aluminum is superior to wood in almost all instances. However, when you say stick and tin vs. aluminum and fiberglass it is a different animal. Aluminum and fiberglass imho is much nicer looking, and is usually lighter and easier to maintain. The aluminum also will not rot like wood can. The problem with fiberglass is delamination. The cost of wall repairs with a fiberglass trailer are insane $4k-$10k in some instances. Where taking off the tin sheeting seems fairly easy and much cheaper.