noplace2 wrote:
There is only ONE reason for these never ending complaints. It's all about people who have absolutely no concern for anyone but themselves.
I'm not going to lie, I really wish I could be one of those people. I think life would be so much easier if I could just not give a darn about people around me...
I would never have to worry about getting out of the left lane...
I would never have to worry about leaving my shopping cart in the middle of an aisle, at an angle, next to a display case, further blocking a chokepoint...
I would never have to worry about where I walk, or better yet, where I randomly decide to stop walking...
I would never have to worry about my voice being too loud, or my radio being too loud, or my exhaust being too loud...
Yea, life would be easier if I wasn't so concerned about those around me. Thankfully my dad taught me that life was never promised to be easy. I am teaching my kids that life isn't easy either. Think of others around you, not just yourself. If you do, maybe the next guy will too. All it takes is a little personal introspective...