Guy Roan wrote:
Crowe wrote:
You can't fix rude/stupid.
Yes, you can. I've found if you POLITELY explain what they are doing wrong quite often you get an apology, "I didn't know", or some other POLITE response. All to often we just gripe about it and assume they are just idiots. Many are but not all. Why not give the benefit of the doubt and try to fix it instead of just whining about it?
Much of this falls back to parenting or the lack thereof. The mid - late sixties is the root time when some of this started.
And the generations before you said the same thing. I see plenty of people that are well past that age whose attitude is "I'm old, I can do what I want". The different generations are no better or worse-we just choose to see what we want to and ignore the rest. Guess I'm just done with all the complaining. Let's start looking for the good instead of always ranting about the bad.
That is easy for you to say.
One who does not even RV any more!
If you did, you would experience what the OP is saying and would probably be complaining too.
As one who is a full timer, I have seen all the op says getting worse every year.
Maybe it's not getting worse every year...maybe you're just getting less tolerant as you get older...?