Crowe wrote:
If you did, you would experience what the OP is saying and would probably be complaining too.
I experienced the same stuff everybody else did, believe me. But I learned that complaining to people in the same boat is preaching to the choir. And I've also learned that doing so does NOTHING to alleviate the issue so I've learned to take a different tactic. I'm applying that approach to as much in life as I can. Had a bunch of run-ins with questionable real estate agents recently but after the first complaint or two decided it was easier to ignore it and just move on. Some on this forum absolutely DELIGHT in complaining, judging, and abasing others and treat it like it's an art form. LIGHTEN UP. Life's too short. You have to decide if the pleasure outweighs the pain. If it does, then ignore the bad stuff. If it doesn't, time to move on. Complain all you want on here if it makes you feel better but remember it won't change anything.
Very good post, hope these people don't every have a real problem. Cancer or health issues will make those problems pale in comparison.
If I have a issue with a person I go talk to them, not complain about it to people that can't do anything about it.