We've had an echo since they first came out. Here's what we use Alexa for:
Tell Alexa to add ** to the shopping list and then use the Alexa app shopping list on our phone when at Walmart or wherever to see what to buy. Can do similar with the todo list
Measure something in the house, tell Alexa, go to garage and use phone to see size to cut. I never write a note anymore.
Ask Alexa the current outside temp
Ask Alexa what the weather forecast is
Tell Alexa to play ** music
Ask Alexa to ring my wifes phone so she can find it
Tell Alexa to turn on the tv (thru our logitech harmony), or dvd, or volume up/down, etc. Which actually turns on soundbar, sets the tv input, etc. also
Tell Alexa to adjust our thermostat to ** degrees
Ask Alexa for traffic info
Ask Alexa where the closest ** store or place is
Ask Alexa for the phone number of ** place
Tell Alexa to set an alarm for ** time
Tell Alexa to start a ** sec/minute timer
Ask Alexa what sound a whale makes (you had to have seen the Google home ad to understand this one)
Someday we will add some lights for the Echo to control. It also can do a sequence of actions with a single command but we haven't tried that yet. For example, Alexa - its bedtime, could change the thermostat, turn off lights and turn off the tv, etc.
Alex Baldwin knows how to use more commands
Sounds lazy, huh? I prefer to think convenient.
For those that are worried, You can check to see how much data each wifi or cell connected object uses (to see if the Echo or anything is communicating when it shouldn't).
In case you don't know, your cell phone can be used to monitor the conversation in a room without your knowledge. The conversation on any cell or wireless phone can be listened to when you use it. It used to be illegal for the gov't to do so in the US (without a court order). I'm not sure if it still is but I doubt it. One of the monitors once asked me how/where I thought they tested their listening equipment.