jdc1 wrote:
I guess you don't quite understand this "decline". It means, instead of 10,000 daily getting infected DAILY....only 9,000 are. Instead of 100 dying DAILY, only 90 are dying. That's still not good. That's still not a good enough reason to let YOU do whatever it is that satisfies YOU alone. There is a reason why these rules are put in place. That reason is to make it safe for YOU.
People dying is a tragedy and I know there is real suffering but I prefer decisions are made with sound data versus emotion. Some things in life are simply not in our control, despite our human nature to assume we can "fix" everything. The virus is on the decline because that is what it naturally does, with our without our help. The curves were already flattening before the shelter-in-place orders had an effect. The debate isn't whether to sacrifice to save lives, it's whether the sacrifice (with its high cost) actually saves any. As one example, domestic abuse is up. Am I to have any less compassion for those people?
Here's some interesting reading. There's even a section on NY: