JIMNLIN wrote:
Yeah..one has to wonder when these types will wake up to that fact.
We have the the me generation and now the its my rights generation that can't comprehend how their choosing to gamble life style affects us all.
Per CDC.... 3-7-'20 there were 20 COVID-19 deaths.
4-19-'20 there has been 40000 COVID-19 deaths in the USA.
If the dead had a wish it would probably be I wish I had stayed home....or I wish others had just stayed home.
How many Covid 19 deaths would have been discovered if there had been lots of tests available to all parts of the country? How many tests did they do on 2-7-'20? That's just not a meaningful statistic. Who know how many people would have tested positive in November/December, now that they're saying it could have been around back in September. How many deaths were blamed on the seasonal flu when, in fact, it was something else? Or vice versa?