Trailer PITCH (severe misalignment with TV) is enough reason. Drop the curbside off the edge while in a high speed curve. Trailer is heading (mass) one way while TV going another.
The force of the LEVER on the TV (ball back to trailer axles) is the thing. SPREADING that force via leverage (torsion bar) across all three axles DAMPENS the force.
Keeping the TV rear axle PLANTED is the game. Those two barely one-foot square tire contact patches.
WDH is cheap AND effective if set up correctly (TV Steer Axle weight same solo or hitched with same TV load both weighings). Travel trailers are tall and have HUGE SAIL AREA. Most loss of control accidents involve high winds or gusts, natural or man-made. (Low COG construction materials trailers aren’t comparable).
You want to ELIMINATE sway, get a Hensley-patented hitch. Makes all other types obsolete.