I'll just add one more 'important' thing about RV'ing in the south.
Do NOT put your storage tubs outside your RV on the ground.
I did. And the roaches got inside.
These are not your city dwelling roaches attracted by filth.
These are native big roaches that are found in the woods in the South.
Take a look at your storage tub under the handle area. Many of them have HOLES in them. :S
That is how they got in. So if your handles have holes in them tape over them when traveling in the South!
Unknowingly I dragged those darn things all the way back up North. They got in my bays too.
Only good thing was when I dumped the tub on the ground they ran into the woods of Wisconsin. Which when the temps get to anything under 40 they DIE. Take that you stupid southern bugs!:W