mich800 wrote:
dodge guy wrote:
tdiller wrote:
It's routine maintenance I would expect it but not pay more for it.
Agreed, but between a trailer that has been maintained and one that hasn’t been I’ll take the maintained one even if it’s priced a bit more!
But every trailer similar has the same value of a properly maintained vehicle. You are assuming the others are not maintained. Why would someone pay extra for the same vehicle condition. Like I stated earlier. It may make it easier to sell. But unless you work some dealership upsell tactic it is not worth more.
It's an interesting interaction between "easier to sell" and "worth more." The final price is a function of what a competitive marketplace is willing to pay. If I market it as having had meticulous maintenance, provide documentation, and price it at the high end of similarly available trailers, I think I'll have more people interested in buying it. More people = more demand. More demand = less pressure to negotiate the price down.
Basic free market economics.