ferndaleflyer wrote:
Sorry about you alls rental problems. I have 3 and one guy has been in there 30+ years, one over 20, and the last has been in there 4 years without a problem. Had a problem years ago and in 30 days the sheriff put them out. You need to spot problems early and also take care of your property. You are a slum lord you reap what you sow. I won't rent my RV---its mine for me.
The house and property I bought to live in was used as a "rental" for the 30yrs before I bought it..
I ended up fully gutting and fully renovating it, Only two items that were of good enough shape to not replace was the bathroom toilet and the nicely made hand made kitchen cabinets.. Everything else had to go, it was worn out, damaged and plain ugly.. Wallboard had too many thick coats of paint, all the woodwork had to many coats of paint, had old worn out carpets and flooring, even the basement floors had stuff written in paint all over the place (took yrs of removing graffiti off the concrete)..
It was so bad that I was able to buy the house and property for 1/4 the market value..
Rental = Drive it like you stole it.
If one is to get into the RV rental game, then you need to buy a cheap wornout piece of garbage rotted out RV to use a rental because after one trip a new one WILL look like it was 20 yrs old..