JaxDad wrote:
A younger couple (mid-30’s?) from our church wanted a motorhome but with a couple of little ones and a mortgage that just wasn’t in the cards. They spoke to several other families in the church and decided to go for it, spreading the use between families.
After several years it’s still working really well for them all.
There’s several threads about owning a former rental unit and from what I’ve seen the vast majority agree it’s a great deal.
I suspect it’s kinda like the Ford V10 spitting out spark plugs or Pinto’s exploding deal, yes it happened to a FEW vehicles, percentage-wise, but the loudness / popularity of the horror stories outweigh the happy folks who have no issues and stayed quiet.
I’ve overnighted in rest areas a dozen plus times a year for 30+ years with not a single issue, if you believe some people you’d die the first night........
Couple of points here; co-ownership (like your church couple example) is NOT the same thing as renting an RV out to strangers...not even close. Second, your example of owning a former rental is also not relevant; those are typically units that were owned by large rental companies (El Monte RV, etc), and then "retired" and sold to a private owner. Again, no similarity to renting it out your personal RV while you are not using it.
There have been numerous posts, both here and on other RV forums, about renting out a personal RV, and they are at least 95%+ negative, and I suspect that I am being very generous with that 95% estimate. In fact, in 30+ years of RVing, I would say that I have heard of only 1 or 2 instances of people actually supporting the idea, and even they admitted that the RV suffered major depreciation/damage and was never the same.