Kit Carson wrote:
My CB is used only for traffic information. My 2M ham is used for communiction on 146.520.
I have made a couple of trips to CA and back, and one to Tennessee and back. I made one contact on 146.520 near Selma, CA; one from the Red Lake Trail to I-5; and NO contacts on the Tennessee trip. On one return trip from CA, via Bremerton, WA, I heard two guys talking on a local repeater, but when I announced myself on the frequency, one of them acknowledged my presence, then ignored me. It would appear that some amateur radio operators in some parts of the country are very elitist, and don't wish to talk to "tourists". Our group around here, I can honestly say, are glad to accept tourists into the community.
I will be installing a 40 channel CB in the motorhome in the spring.