wa8yxm wrote:
Kit Carson wrote:
My CB is used only for traffic information. My 2M ham is used for communiction on 146.520.
I mentioned hearing about an accident and spending a nice relaxing night wally-docking instead of a tense hours long backup the poor guy behind me had to put up with (Oh, We got off just as the police closed the freeway).
I also have a Wilson WE-800.. Got it back in 1978 I think, this vintage Ham Radio (The first fully synthisized hand hald) is locked on 146.52. My Yeasu FT-51R (Newer and in need of replacement) is set to memory scan) Both bands, when I can get it to work (I have an idea about that, but have not tested yet)
I am debating on that Yeasu, I can replace it with a Made iN China for around 50 bucks... Or I can wait till I'm a bit better off and go with a Kenwood Sky Command device that can not only do 2mtr and 70cm but control my TS-2000 on the side.
Someday I may be able to get my 79RollALong electronically correct to the 21st. Century but at least I have my 40ch. CB w/ 2 hand held units and my Police scanner. I almost always go out of cel range where I take my adventures, Mountains and deep deserts. I love that commercial where the guy holds up his cel and there is no signal and says lets camp here. Ch 9 is still for emergencies, but does play host to the less educated in city zones. In the wilds I have my set on Ch.9 if not talking to others in my group.