D & M wrote:
Dog Folks wrote:
As an example, reading here you would think that RV's are fires waiting to happen, so I did some research. Yes, an RV fire is usually a total loss, but the research I did shows that total number of RV fires were less common than house fires, percentage wise. (Don't ask me for a source. I am too old and tired to look it up again.) This is just an example.
RV fires vs. number of RVs on the road...statistically insignificant.
there are about 8.2+ million RVs on the road …
“RV fires are one of the largest causes of RV loss in America today. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), fire departments, RV repair shops, and insurance carriers estimate there are approximately 6,300 RV fires annually. Deaths resulting from RV fires are estimated at 5 to 20 each year and RV Alliance America statistics show half of fires erupt while the RV is parked.
Mechanical or electrical failures cause roughly three-quarters of the highway vehicle fires.
While the causes of RV fires vary widely, there are identifiable trends. Engine and electrical fires are consistently the greatest cause of loss. Engine compartments, including electrical, flammable-combustible gases and liquids, are the cause of origin roughly 70 percent of the time.
Tires and brakes are the culprit in almost 20 percent of fires. Some of the worst fires are those caused when one tire of a dual or tandem pair goes flat and then scuffs and ignites, long before the driver feels any change in handling.
At each rest stop, give your tires at least an eyeball check. Remember a pressure gauge reading on hot tires is NOT accurate. Tap duals with a club and listen for a difference in sound; you can often tell if a tire is going soft.
The remaining causes of fires vary widely from faulty generators, fuel leaks, solar power problems, cooking carelessness, propane leaks, spontaneous combustion in damp charcoal, and certainly a range of unknown origins. “
How that relates to the residential numbers I don’t know…
“Average number of residential home fires each year 374,000
Average number of deaths each year from home fires 2,600
Average number of injuries due to home fires each year 12,975
Average annual dollar loss to due to home fires $7.32 billion
Cause of Home Fires Percent of Fires
Cooking 56 %
Heating 16 %
Electrical Malfunction 9 %
Other Unintentional, Careless 8 %
Open Flame 6 %
Intentional 5 %”