Try one of these You will have to be diligent in packing. IMO you would be better served with a TT. From my past experience when I had a 10 F150 Maxtow with the 7650 GVW and 1857 CCC, I could never make the numbers work when 5'er shopping. I know what we pack and it's around 1200+lbs. Adding that to the dry sticker weights (not brochure weights) and using 20% as a starting point on the pin I was always right at or slightly over the RAWR and GVW. There are guys on here and also on the F150 Forum that tow 5'ers with 1/2 tons. I find that some are over weight and others are close. I prefer to not be at the ragged edge and to have a sizable weight cushion which allows me to be able to take what I want camping. There's nothing worse than being maxed out.