Maybe this will help un-confuse you on the numbers, which is really what those
acronyms are
- GVWR, Gross Vehicle Weight Rating and applies to both tow vehicle and trailer (fiver or tongued)
- GAWR, Gross Axle Weight Rating and normally need a suffix of prefix of 'front' and 'rear'
- GCWR, Gross Combined Weight Rating and is the sum of the tow vehicle weight (which includes EVERYTHING loaded onto and into the TV
the trailer (fiver or tongued)
Those ratings are a equal to or less than number
The rest of it is having actual weights to then use simple math
to figure out where you are in reference to those ratings (acronyms)
The performance (mainly at the when you need to make
an emergency maneuver to avoid something) and longevity a bit past
the OEM's warranty period.
Performance can also be viewed as the ability for that tow vehicle
to manhandle that trailer based on the GCWR.
It's not to say that the wheels will instantly fall off if over those
ratings, but they will sooner and not perform as the OEM promised you
via their published specifications