FunnyCamper wrote:
am I mistaken?
don't ALL RV door keys fit each door on every unit, or something like that and they give ya the deadbolt which is different on every unit?
In general, there are a couple of manufacturers of entry locks, and about 50 different keys per manufacturer that may be used on any given entry/exit door or toy hauler ramp. Normally, both the deadbolt and handle lock are keyed the same. There is also a master key that will generally open the handle locks, but the deadbolt is keyed so that a master will NOT open it. Look for an "M" stamped on the face of your handle-lock cylinder.
As the builder puts the doors together, they grab the next lockset in the bin and put it together. Front and Back entry doors(and ramps on toy haulers) rarely match.
Baggage and compartment doors are another thing entirely. They are generally either the CH751, or the Southco R0001. The odds are that one of those two keys will open any baggage or compartment door.
Thieves have been caught (very recently in fact) going through campgrounds with these two keys and taking what they can - while people were asleep in their trailers/coaches.
Using a place like RV Locks and More you can get cylinders to re-key your entry doors and ramps. You can get them all the same. When you order a set for the entry doors, they will include am "M" master keyed cylinder for the handle lock. You can also buy separate non-master keyed cylinders to use on the handle lock. You can even key the deadbolt and handle lock differently.
You can also get replacements for the baggage and compartment locks. You can get them keyed to a specific standard to match other locks on your trailer. As long as you get them keyed to anything other than CH751 or R001, you are most likely safe.
Time is your friend, and the enemy of the thief. Time means that the risk of them being seen or caught goes way up. They want to work fast, so anything you do to require time to get into your trailer is a deterrent.
The sad fact is this - in general, you only need to make your trailer a little harder to get into than the next guy. A criminal will pick the easier target.