We opted, years ago, to use Quick Shades instead of hanging anything from the camper awning. I think it's important to be able to retract the awning quickly if a wind picks up, and we never leave the awning out if we are away from the camper. So portability was (and still is) important to us.
However, we found Quick Shades to be much more beneficial. They can be placed anywhere, tilted, rotated, and moved around as the sun shifts throughout the day.
We had the red one, pictured below, for over 15 years. We got it with our pop-up and used it all the time with the pop-up awning.
We used it with 3 different travel trailers, until a couple years ago when the fabric just wore think and finally ripped. We ended up getting 2 more for replacements. Although not called "Quick Shade" any more, these were purchased from a Sporting Good store, under $75 each. Wall Mart sell them, as does most home repair big box chain stores in the Spring. Prices have come way down.
The beauty of using these are their portability. We've camped in direct sun many, many times and the shade has made it very nice to go outside. It's great when the sun beats down at odd angles and there is absolutely no shade under the trailer awning. Move it around, title it a little, and you've got shade.
And, if you have activities at home, or a friends, you can always use them for non-camping events, like when our neighbors had a birthday party for their little girl and needed some shade in the yard. We saved the day for them!