We started out in a Coleman 9 ft tent. I think it was our third trip that we made reservations at a KOA up the road from us in St. Cloud, MN (or was it Clearwater?). The tent site we got was close to a cemetery and had only two trees but otherwise was wide open. That night, the wind picked up and the downpour began. I spent about 20 minutes sopping wet trying to tie off the tent to one tree on one side and the cemetery fence on the other side. DW spent the night huddling in our sleeping bags because it got pretty chilly for June, maybe into the 40's. The wind kept both of us awake most of the night because the tent kept threating to blow over while she worried about the cemetery fence and wildlife coming into the tent to get warm.
That was one of the few less than fun tent trips we had, most of them were very enjoyable.