dmcf wrote:
I have a Barker Series 3000 tongue jack this is stuck in the up position. I have taken off the top and tried the manual crank, and it bent the crank. Then I took it apart to see if the pin had sheered off, and everything looks good. I have email Barker several times and they do not respond. Anyone have any suggestions? I was thinking about see if I could find a socket wrench that would fit over the manual override and see if I could work it free. And now I also wonder which way I should be trying to crank it. Clockwise or counter clockwise?
Barker has two basic types of jacks to limit their movement. One uses two micro switches and the other uses some sort of "clutch wheel" that is inside the drive assembly case. It sounds like you might thave the "clutch wheel" type and I know with my micro switch one if the switch for the stowed or "UP" position fails you can jam the jack to where it's next to impossible to free it up. You need to make sure you are turning things the right way manually or you might make matters worse. I agree with a couple of other comments that you need to call Barker and talk to a tech rep. I found them very knowledgeable and helpful. Then you need to find out exactly what went wrong and fix it. Good think is that from my experience you can buy just about any part for the Barker jacks and they are not the unit level replacement type items.