dockmasterdave wrote:
Tag on the battery states 92 amp hr. Actually it says at 1 amp draw 92 hrs.
I'm just wondering if this is not holding charge correctly?
Good info on the link, thank you.
1 amp draw at 92 hrs. is not the same as conventional amp hour rating of 20 amp rate for 92 hrs. This is a scam marketing tool done with an assumption that the average person doesn't know the difference between the rating protocols.
Your year old Grp 24 Walmart battery is probably not even 76 AH at present. As the battery is used and abused it becomes sulfated and will not have the same capacity as new. BTW, if you don't have one, a battery disconnect switch will prolong your battery life and is easy to use. Just turn the switch to off when the battery is not being used or charged.