Veebyes wrote:
wa8yxm wrote:
Group 31 GEL? Who makes a Group 31 GEL?
That is a very odd size for a Gel Cell battery.. Common though in AGM's.
Well, the first ones the boat had apparently came from Sears. This was 1998 & they were Die Hards. Got 10 years out of them with some pretty hard use. Believe Lifeline has them. No doubt there are others.
Don't know why RV manufacturers don't provide space for a pair of group 31s or even a single 8D. A pair of group 24s is not much use.
Agreed on the Group 24's being of "not much use" but a pair of GC-2 fit in about the same footprint, Just a bit taller, and are the equal of that 8 D with the weight divided between two boxes so it's easier to wrangle.
page 2.... Those Die Hards.. ARE AGM, not Gel, Sears has been selling AGM a long time under the die easy label. I am very surprised you got that kind of life out of a Die Hard.. Very rare.