beemerphile1 wrote:
Whether it is ten shots every tow or two shots a month, eventually the seal will give and grease the brakes. On true "Bearing Buddies" the grease has nowhere else to go but past the inner seal.
Not to be confused with the greasing systems that come on almost every new towable RV.
Not true!
There is no problem with a true bearing buddy. Look up how a true bearing buddy works.
It has a spring loaded piston that moves as the grease expands and contracts.
If too much grease is pumped in the piston moves out past the o-ring seal and the grease exits near the grease zert as long as a hand pump is used.
A power pump may be able to add grease faster than it can be expelled past the piston and create enough pressure to blow the spindle seal.
I used them on my boat trailers for 20 years and never had a problem.
After getting all of the air replaced with grease I never had to add grease until the next brearing and brake service.
The problem EZ-Lube and Bearing Buddy are not the same.
EZ-Lube will not work on a boat trailer as they will draw in water when a warm hub is submerged in cold water.
The Bearing Buddy piston moves inward as the grease contracts from the cold water. Then the piston moves out as the greas expands when it heats up during travel.