peaches&cream wrote:
Good thing nobody has has problems with Goodyears. :W
I can only tell you about the problem we had with our Goodyear 670's. They were less than 6 years in use (Less than 7 by Date code) and only had 52,000 miles on them when we replaced the rear tires. We hadn't seen any problems but decided to replace them when it was convenient for us. Imagine our surprise when they took off the rear tires and we found a sidewall crack more than 5/16 inch wide between the two tires. We had already decided to replace them with Michelin through FMCA.
Where the cracks were had not seen the light of day and the coach was driven very regularly after we purchased it in 2007. At most the coach could have sat for 1 year on the lot prior to purchase based upon manufacture date of the tire.
The coach has been four corner weighed at least every 24 months and the tire pressure checked at least twice a month. I don't know what else we could have done to take care of the tires any better.
That said, we still have two Goodyears on the front and 4 Michelin on the rear. For us, it was about the cost and date of manufacturer we were able to find when it was time to replace. In a year or so, we will be replacing the front two tires and again it will depend upon what is available at that time. By the way, the reason we got out of sync on replacing all six tires was due to earlier road damage on one front tire and we decided to buy two matching tires at that time.
As to why this thread got so out of hand versus the same subject on another forum - intentionally or not, I do believe the tone of this thread was more aggressive and confrontational from the first post and title. Unfortunately after that, it just got worse.
Bottom line, I'm happy that it worked out for the original poster and that Michelin was made aware of the situation.