roman traveler wrote:
After reading all 8 pages I decided to look at profiles. The OP has posted 99 times in 8 years. Seems like a guy that simply asks a question now and then and minds his own business. For this he gets attacked. His primary attacker has 14,000 posts in 10 years. Draw your own conclusions.
Exactly,just a person trying to pass along information and along comes the keyboard commandos and tough guys. brand war juveniles, and shoot first ask questions later group that post just to make their count go up.as you have mentioned.
Thanks for your intelligent assessment of the facts.
I draw the same conclusion.
Oh and BTW this thread in the General RVing Issues was started 2 days after the OP posted on the Class C forum where he had no such attacks. Just honest discussion with no attacks.
Totally agree. There are a few posters that "have to control" every subject. They are so smart they have to let everyone know their intelligence level. They analize every word to the umpteenth degree. I would never offer advise on this forum because of this abuse. I belong to other forums that have nothing like the abuse you have to put up with here.