Nevadastars wrote:
Ok, you Michelin flag wavers can un-bunch your panties now. I just got back from the local Michelin dealer and they were awesome. After looking, measuring, taking pictures, etc, the guy called Michelin's warranty dept. I explained I am the 2nd owner, but have only had the rig 2 days, in fact it isn't even in my name yet.
The good news is they will pay 80% towards new tires. The better news is Michelin owns BFG and Uniroyal, so I had a choice of either three. I chose BFG's as I have had good luck with them in the past. Plus, they will have full warranty. Total cost for me is $407 including mount/balance plus $90 freight, and the original owner will split it with me. For what it's worth, my dealer said he has seen more cracking with Michelin's than most other brands. But he is probably lying, right?
To those of you accusing me of "knowing full well" about the cracks before I bought it, you are sadly mistaken. The rig was so clean and low miles, I never even closely at the tires. The pics I took show them much clearer than the naked eye at 5 or 6 feet away. I noticed them after I got it home looking for the levelers. Yea, by bad, but it is what it is. Some of you guys are really amazing with your jumping to conclusions, childish antics and stupid smiley faces.
For the record, I have always had good luck with Michelin's, until seeing these. I have been on this forum for several years and never had a bunch of clowns jump in feet first on a thread attacking me for stating facts. It was an eye opener for sure. Funny how nobody in the Class C forum did it. Oh well, life goes on and I will have new boots for it next week.
So this thread entitled "Beware of Michelin Tires" and the first post and expecting no support from Michelin is actually all wrong. Maybe you should start a new thread about fantastic Michelin customer service.