MrWizard wrote:
Of course it's a scam
The prices are ridiculously high for the item offered,
But low for the item the buyer thinks he is getting
Just because it is worded legally,
doesn't mean it isn't creative deception and morally wrong
The intent of the seller is to induce you to buy something way over priced, by creating the visual impression of something else
And leave no hard legal recourse, because the truth was in the adv wording
With respect, I ask this. If the price listed was $65.00, Would you consider this to be a scam? It appears the item is worth about $60.00.
This, E-bay person appears to be a small guy, both a buyer and seller with many positive reviews.
Is it possible he/she just listed the price in error?
What proof do you offer that he/she has ever scammed anyone?.
The OP states he offered 16.50, and that was declined. He does not state however, that he said anything to the seller about the 1650. or gave him a chance to correct it. All he says is he offered 16.50 and it was declined.
And the OP further the states he asked the seller, what he was selling, and the e-bay seller states "everything in the picture, but the generators"
Do any members here have any proof this person has ever scammed anybody?
Could he be a scammer, sure, I agree. but I doubt it. What I object to is,you have no more proof he is a scammer, than, that he just made a simple error, on the price.