Forum Discussion

Fresno_Tundra_D's avatar
Dec 17, 2014

Beware of scammers!!!

Browsing through ebay I came across "Brand New Honda EU2000i Inverter Generator Combo Package kit." from "pocketrocketparts" for a price of $1650.55. It sounds like a good deal. If you read the fine print though, it says it comes with everything but the generators!! Better hurry, those parallel cables selling for $1650.55 might go fast. I sent a question to the seller and asked what exactly he was selling and he replied "everything in the picture except the generators. I also reported it to eBay but the listing is still active. I did submit a "Best Offer" of $16.50 but he declined. BE CAREFULL!!
  • The Keurig decals clearly state it is the decals only. The Genny package may have come with one generator, could have just been a miscommunication as the seller gets decent ratings. It is always buyer beware for me
  • They will also sell an Xbox box. So yes, no Xbox is included but you get the box it came in. I think it sold for $600 a few years ago.
  • I've had good luck with Ebay. It's sellers like this that give it a bad name. Too bad. I emailed him a note with my thoughts on his deceptive practices, not that it will change anything. careful when making online purchases!
  • So they are selling a cable for $1600 bucks? That seems worse than thinking you could get two gen's for that price.
  • Don't know IT SAYS decal very plainly and shows a picture of it in the ad plus others. What is the problem?
  • I looked it up, and it now states its for the cables only in BOLD. He probably changed the listing. He still should not be able to show pictures of the generators when that is not part of the deal. Thanks for the heads up.

    I also filed a complaint with Ebay.

    We will see what happens.
  • Link to ad

    Wow- that IS misleading. Pics show two generators, and the "details"( click above image to read) even talk about their output AND their oil/fuel capacity. But not until the very last line does it say "Does not include generators".

    On the bright side, surely no one would believe that you could buy all that including gennies for the price...