down home wrote:
We lost a right rear axle tire, on our Fifth Wheel back when. It tore up the plastic skirting and left big pieces of the tread. We heard it but not like you would a 22.5 in tire, on our MHs. Control wasn't a problem as the front wheel and tire took the weight without notice. The blown out tire might have taken the front one but it didn't.
the tires were not old, at all. They were a couple of years. I had noticed a lot of checking or little breaks around the tire but Goodyear said they were fine. Sure soaked up a lot of Armor all, I don't use any more.
Lots, of stories, here and elsewhere, of blown tires taking out a lot, of the underbelly, tanks, lines, etc on some TT and Fifth Wheels. They really should put in a wheel well perhaps of quarter inch steel. imo
One of my plastic wheel wells was half gone from a previous owner's blowouts. I replaced the plastic wheel well with .125" AR400 plate steel. It is the stuff they use for garbage truck compaction hoppers, abrasive resistant and hardened.