I had a right rear tire blow on my old SRW truck with a TT in tow. Know it? Oh yeah but no problem getting it pulled over and changed.
Bought a used 5er had a left front on the trailer blow. Heard it but with the dually you can't feel much difference. Speed was in the 50 mph area and no other damage. I replaced 2 tires, should have checked closer and did all four.
A couple of months later had the right rear blow at 65 MPH. Heard something strange, slowed and got the honking from a passing car. Tore some wiring to the slide, minor repair that I fixed in the campground.
The unit had the axles recalled which I learned about after a problem and some research. Within 6 months of purchase everything from the tires to the frame was replaced except for the steel wheels. I did the work myself so I'm good to go for many years with minor maintenance. I lucked out as not including the price of the tires it only cost me a bit over $400 and some time. In a couple of years I'll have a report on the "Never Fail" brand of bushings.