"Our kids never did wear PFDs onboard"
If you were under way and they were under 13 in age, then you were breaking the law
US law does not apply here. This is an example of where we carry our own responsibility.
It is not surprising that when a child is allowed to learn at a very early age to respect the dangers of water they are much more careful around it.
Both of our kids, under very close supervision, were permitted when only able to crawl, to crawl into the water to a point where they sucked up a bit of water & got into trouble where hands quickly snatched them up. That done a few times & lesson was learned, don't crawl into the water so far. From that point we had kids perfectly happy to be floating around out of their depth with arm bands before they could walk.
Onboard the boat underway safety was strict & uncompromising. Child PFDs are hot & scratchy from the salt. If they wanted to stand at the side in the cockpit they had better not lift a leg onto the cockpit combing. It got SLAPPED down. No verbal warning. It only took a few good slaps. Lesson learned. Old school child discipline. It works.
Here is an example of the boat. Not exactly a 40mph skip across the water runabout. More of a 27'slow going camper.
Albin 27 Family cruiser