You typically have more living space in an equally sized 5'er than a mh. And, I agree with those who say maintenance is cheaper with a 5'er due to having two driving trains to maintain; however, with my mh, my yearly maintenance consists of oil and filter change....the same that you would have with a large 3/4 or 1 ton pickup. My toad also requires an oil/filter change. The difference is only a few bucks....hardly worth mentioning.
And yes, I also agree that if your mh breaks down, you're without a place to stay until it's fixed. However, if you're traveling and your tow vehicle breaks down, you are at the mercy of getting some one out to tow you. With a mh, if it breaks down, you have your toad to keep you mobile.
About the only reason we went with a mh, was due to the fact that I didn't want to be driving a large PU in congested streets and parking lots, not to mentioned the amount of fuel required to do this. Our toad is small, gets great mpg, easily parked, carries 5 and with the seat down will accommodate a large amount of stuff. Granted, I can't put a 4x8 sheet of plywood back there, but I can put 8 foot long 2x4's. Of course, I can't imagine needing either.
Personally, I feel that one is just as good as the other and your personal preference is what will make the determination of which you choose. If you have experience towing, maybe a 5'er is more for you. Driving a large mh, takes a little getting use to, but not any more than a large PU.