ol Bombero-JC wrote:
Old-Biscuit wrote:
No Campfires..........PLEASE post those CGs
Call them out
We should start an ongoing list that gets updated frequently
That way I can pick which ones I will partonize cause I hate campfires!
Not so much hate them.....it's just there are MORE & More inept campers that do NOT know how to have a campfire.
They think smoldering/smokey is good vs an actual fire
And then they go inside!
YEAH.CGs with NO Campfires.
I like the concept
Please post the list - if you find one!
Let the "camper" choose his option...:C
Like OB - I'm in the "no thanks" group - been at too many campgrounds where you choke on your inconsiderate neighbor's smoke..:(
x2 "no thanks"
Maybe a solution would be build a very large community fireplace with a chimney. Bring your chair for a group fireplace that is away from the RV's.
I have seen so many people just leave unattended smoky fire pits going all day long.
And WesternRVParkOwner...I agree with your policies and it is rude and inconsiderate to burn your picnic tables or destroy your property.
These facilities are for us all to enjoy, not to trash at your pleasure, for your camping "experience".
How would you all like to check into a Hotel where the previous occupant broke the chairs, marred the dressers, and scratched up the TV? Good grief. What happened to respecting other peoples property.
Put your grill on the ground...not the owner's picnic tables!
No one wants to use the picnic table that the previous, inconsiderate camper, has charred to a crisp because they are too lazy to put their grill on the ground.