down home wrote:
I'm not going to attempt to colorize the Gentleman's plight.
As an RVer we have seen way too much o what was created by Global Economics or Trickle Down economic. Early forced Retirements,fired laid off, no prospects too old, despite prohibitions on age as a consideration for employment.
Too many stories to lump them together. Wal Mart says you need to move. Move to somewhere else. I'm not sure where you might fit your skills and willingness to work. Perhaps at an RV Park. No pay but be a host for rent electricity and so on.
Looking for Employment is a job just like going to a job every day for.
On the Internet and newspapers every days setting appointments for next day or later for interviews. The best method is to make you resume and go to companies where you want to work, not ones that are advertising.
Everyone wants you to apply on line. However I would see how it works shoing up at HR looking for a job. May not be the best today, I don't know about this today's impersonal world They tell you not to call to check on your application.
I'm not sold on that even though I'm told I'm wrong. If someone wants the position enough to be persistent I may give him first look. Attitude and Presentation and Personal Appearance with intelligence and abilities to do the job works.
Turn job hunting into a job of regular routine, in the am looking for positions and making on line applications. Try to set up interviews as many as you can, for the next day and beyond. Quit at evening and take the load off by doing things you enjoy such as fishing. Anyone ask what your job is say looking for a position. Wash rinse repeat every day. Keep your attitude an d outlook up.
This guy has no "plight". This is either a troll (99.9 percent likely) or the guy just plain off his rocker. The road NEVER ends in Seguin TX. You only get there if you try. People who are looking for work, looking for solitude, looking for love, looking for inspiration, looking for the pot of gold at the end of rainbow do not go to Seguin.
It isn't about a lack of skills to find a job. If you can fog a mirror, you can get a job in Dallas, Houston, Austin, San Antonio and many other cities and towns in Texas. The same can be said for most cities and towns across the country. Though sometimes the media wishes to have you believe otherwise, 2017 is not like the Great Depression. There are not throngs of able bodied workers willing to take any position offered.
Maybe I would cut someone who is trapped in a decaying urban area, or trapped in rural West Virginia without the means to travel elsewhere some slack. But this guy paid cash for an RV. He says he has been traveling around the Seguin area, so he could just as easily traveled to somewhere that jobs are abundant. But like I posted earlier, if not a troll, he is one of the never satisfied, I feel sorry for myself and am too good to work my way out of whatever hole I have dug, people. Those people deserve nothing from anyone.