Junk Box is fine so long as the socket isn't plastic. There's a plastic one with folding "ears" that let you push it into a hole and have it presumably stay there. Which it doesn't, but the real problem is that a Brake Buddy draws enough Amps often enough and for long enough to soften the plastic. The center contact goes crooked, that reduces contact area, and then the male plug BB's cable melts.
Socket needs to be a metal "cigar lighter" socket. BB didn't always send those in their kit but they do now. Talking the kind where the socket with the hot terminal goes in from the face of the dash and a shell. Then the ground with its terminal goes over it from the back of the dash and screws down tight.
BB's webpage shows the plastic socket you DON'T want. Along with a glass fuse. They now send a metal socket with bracket and screws, and the in-line fuse is the ATO type with a cover.