Personal opinions here...
First, am positive most who report poor performance and/or bad experiences with their trailer brakes...have their trailer brakes and controller poorly adjusted
I've fixed about six church members and their friends who asked me to take a look
One guy and he continues to diss anything other than an MC PSI sensed controller. He hasn't said much of late, as both MC sensed controller companies have closed and not longer off even spare parts
On the setup...two key things
#1 is that the trailer brakes are in good order. Meaning from the wiring system (mainly gauge and connectors) must be either redone with better connectors and/or up the wire gauge.
#2 is that the TV's controller have the trailer brakes lead the TV. Meaning
that the controller initiates the trailer brakes to start braking BEFORE the TV's
brakes turn on
Most of the 'Highly Integrated' OEM trailer brake controllers use MC PSI sensed.
I'm not a fan of having stuff on the braking system. The various hydraulic braking systems using (mandated by spec) fluid PSI as it's sense trigger...has t
too many sensors leak over time. They were industrial grade...think better than
the stuff automotive uses, but could be wrong there
Plus, just one more potential failure point
TV's brake pedal normally has a bit of travel/stroke BEFORE it touches the MC
piston rod.
Good TV brake pedal brake light switches will or can be adjusted to switch BEFORE
the MC piston rod is ever moved.
Meaning that the trailer brake controller will be told to turn on the trailer
brakes BEFORE the TV MC ever develops PSI to then start TV braking
My P3 can be moved to all of the vehicles I've installed a wiring harness
My P3 can STOP the whole setup without the TV's brakes EVER turn on...just by
touching the TV brake pedal enough to turn on the trailer brake controller but
NEVER moving the MC piston rod...therefore no MC PSI is developed
The Vehicle computer buss is a good place, but need to see 'that' TV's computer
specifications. Mainly the timing of the braking system (brake light timing) to
see if 'that' OEM's integrated controller leads the trailer brakes like mine can