Hudsoner wrote:
To warm this topic up again. Because of health reasons I was not able to install anything. Now i am working on it again. I was able to locate the hidden connector under the dash of my unit, and plugged the controller in, and all lights are on.
My problem is, how to find the other connector under the F53 chassis to connect the trailer plug outlet to? Where would I find the connector?
Can anybody enlighten me? I have to be able to explain it to my niece, who will crawl for me underneath the motorhome, because I cannot do this anymore. She is 35 and very handy with tools! But I have to tell her what to do.
It's possible the wire for the brakes was never run from the original Ford harness to the trailer socket at the rear of the coach. The wire runs along the outside of the drivers side frame rail inside a wire loom to the end of the frame rail supplied by Ford. It's a #10 blue wire. Ford folded back and taped the wires inside the loom.
Open the loom at the joint of the Ford supplied frame and the frame extensions added by the body builder. There should be a tag on each of the wires identifying their purpose. The wire for the brakes is clearly marked either "Brakes" or "Trailer Brakes". The body builder extends them from this point to the rear of the coach.
That particular wire was not connected on our 2001 Winnebago Adventurer built on the Ford F53 chassis. When I inquired as to why it was never connected I was told that it was done by the dealer only if they were aware that the customer was towing a trailer or dolly that had electric brakes.
On our newer (2013) motorhome the wire runs in a loom down the inside of the passengers side frame rail. Winnebago now connects all the wires to the trailer socket.