mowermech wrote:
Reality check:
If somebody stops suddenly in front of you, at 60 MPH, how far will you travel before you get your foot off the throttle and onto the brake pedal? How far will you travel between the time your foot hits the brake pedal and you come to a complete stop, even if you have brakes on every wheel?
Chances are, in the vent of a true sudden emergency stop, whoever jumped in front of you or suddenly stopped in front of you is crushed and likely dead no matter how good your brakes are!
I have been driving since 1958, and I have never had that kind of scenario happen. Seems to me getting struck by lightning is more likely...
I call BS
If you really felt so ****-sured about things never happening based on the fact that they never have so far - WHY do you have that cute littl saying in your signature - "when seconds count help is only minutes away".
Pretty sure that should read "the LAW is only minutes away"...
My house was built in 1934. It has never burnt down yet - so of course that means it NEVER WILL, right?