Forum Discussion

quiltlady's avatar
Jun 04, 2019

Braking System Recommendation

We flat tow a 2014 CRV with our Class A Encounter. The braking system recommended by our RV repair/installer was a Blue OX Autostop which has not worked for us. It is a cable tied to the car brake pedal and it either keeps the brakes on all the time or not at all. There is no way to adjust it so that it is consistent. We need to replace it. Any recommendations of systems you have been happy with? Thank you.
  • The Blue OX Autostop operates similar to NSA's ReadyBrake which I've been using for well over 30 years now on several different vehicles. Once you get the connecting cable to the right length, it's the simplest and easiest way to get fully proportional braking on your towed vehicle. I love the way it works and the ease of getting ready to tow. I'd buy another one just like it in a heartbeat.

    How much slop do you have with your towbar?

    My ReadyBrake has a 12v LED that goes on the dash of the MH and runs all the way back to the towed through a connector at the bumper. It ties into the towed's brake light switch and lights up when the pedal is depressed. Again, it's simple and lets you know when the towed brakes are being applied. Highly recommended!

    ReadyBrake also sells a ring that goes over the vertical bolt head extension so the connecting cable doesn't get looped around it. Also highly recommended:
  • Looks like a mechanical disaster to me since it expects the to tow bar to slide inside the MH hitch considering all of the friction involved.

    For our 04 CRV a box brake got tiring with our more frequent stops but it worked well. The Invsibrake replacement requires no setup and works well.

    The Jeep Air Force 1 also has no setup but it's air operated and I think requires MH air brakes.

    Note: I've always had a hardwired MH cab light that indicates the toad brakes are on so that I know the toad brake is applied and released. I'd be skeptical of a wireless setup.

    M&G might be a option and it's air operated.

    Ready Brute has a lot of fans. It's also cable operated and I believe the hydraulic cylinder is behind the MH hitch and superior to the Autostop.

    What are the Autostop reviews saying?