PLease see pain specialist. My wife was bed ridden because of pain for 2 years after a spinal cord injury. She could not ride in my van unless lying down in the back and then only for 2 - 3 hours max See existed from pill to pill. Mostly narcotics but also powerful nerve pain medicines. She finally consented to seeing a doctor who treats nothing but pain. Between the injections to deaden the painful nerves and physical/massage therapy she is much better today.
We are leaving Northern New York in November for Arizona and are full-timing.
Pain is treatable and if your physician cannot get it down to a manageable level find someone who will.
By the way my wife was depressed and on 60 MG Cymbalta. The pain relief has made it so she is off that and a bunch of other drugs.
Try the Cleveland clinic for pain specialist if nothing else.
By the way your area of the country is beautiful. WE will be in Millersburg on our way south. I will honk as I go by.;)