Richardwise - I'm so sorry to hear of your accident and years of pain as a result. It's good that you posted here on There are a lot of wonderful people here who have either experienced similar and can offer support and advice or those who can only offer support, such as me. I agree with darsben to see a pain specialist. In fact, I'm going to suggest that to my husband. He suffered an injury as a child due to abuse and was advised by a physician to have back surgery - breaking his back in several places in order to correct it. He refused, instead opting to go to a chiropractor which really helped. In time, he stopped that but is now back in pain. I've told him to have an MRI which is what our doctor now suggests just to see what the problem is, but he doesn't want to do that either, but, maybe seeing a pain specialist is the answer. Keep us posted on how things go for you and how your trip went. Maybe you can get in to see the specialist then or hold off on your trip just a couple of weeks to see that specialist and get some relief for a trip. Best of luck and prayers for you.