Dennis......None of us are there and can look at what you describe, but having owned two DP's and working on many others, your description doesn't sound plausible. First, bushings, even sitting, will typically last more than ten years. For a rear end to have moved 3", the bushing would have to disintegrate. It would have made noise, been obvious (not sitting in the wheel well properly) and certainly caused some driveshaft issues.
I know that when they communicate a repair/diagnosis, it doesn't always come across correctly when the owner tries to explain it later. Maybe there is something else going on. I have yet to hear of ANY coach needing the repair yours needs at ten years old.
I think I would have them show you that movement (3") and want to see the bushings they remove.
I know you came on here to warn people of potential issues of letting a coach sit and you got bombarded, but your statement and their diagnosis just doesn't make sense. The problem with their repair is that there is no way to verify that it will solve your issue until you put another 5K - 10K miles on new tires to see if they are wearing correctly.
Typically, any coach with a wear issue like yours is aligned using a 4 wheel alignment method, where the front axle is aligned with the rear to make sure they're parallel.
Good luck, but I sure would want to see those bad bushings up close and personal.