Now the story behind this picture should start out: I was in this biker bar and....
But noooo, all of this damage, broken nose - 18 stitches, fractured skull with bleeding into my brain and almost every rib broken or seriously bruised was done by a pool noodle. :S
Walking across the parking lot to our community pool, pool noodle resting on my shoulder, wearing a pair of Croc's. Pool noodle slips off my shoulder and curls between my feet. Strofoam noodle and rubber Croc's bind up and bam, down I go face first, never even got a hand out. My bride says I hit the hot asphalt (May 31st, temps above 100), like a sack of wet cement. Knocked unconscious for several minutes I come too with a crowd standing around me and guy saying "stay down mister, you're hurt real bad". My bride had called 911 and 20 minutes later the paramedics arrived... from the station one mile away. :h
The point being, don't feel bad about the busted rib or tripping over a concrete block. I think tripping over a pool noodle takes the prize for foolish falls. The nose healed up alright but the busted ribs took almost two months and man O man the first couple of weeks were not much fun....even with the drugs. :E